Patricia Ericsson |
Den svenska presentationen Under
hela mitt yrkesliv har utformningen av samhällets stöd till personer
med funktionshinder och till deras familjer varit mitt intresse- och
verksamhetsområde. Jag har arbetat inom detta med såväl sociala och
psykologiska, som organisatoriska och administrativa uppdrag. |
The English presentation The development of support from society, to persons with indellectual disability and their families, has been my main field of interest throughout my professional life. I have been concerned with these issues from both social and psychological perspectives, and in both organisational and administrative roles. During the eighties I was Director of Care in the Department for the Provision of Support to Persons with Intelletual Disability in Stockholm County Council. This included responsibility for staff training programmes and other forms of organisational development. Prior to that, in the seventies, I held different posts as a psychologist in several counties. Since 1992 I have, as a consultant, been involved in developmental projects in Sweden and internationally. I am originally from Ireland but have lived in Sweden since the mid-sixties, my 30 years of working as a psychologist has therefore been in Sweden. My experience from Ireland and England was as a social worker within Child Care Services. These 30 years in Sweden have covered a period of both exciting and innovative development in which I have been closely involved, and responsible for the establishment of new forms of support. I have also had responsibilty for the follow-up of these reforms, and the analysis of quality within the current services. As a consequence I have been able to follow developements withn this field of work not only in the Scandinavian countries but also in several other Europenan countries and the Middle East. The basis for my work to-day is Skinfaxe Insitute in Uppsala, of which I am director. My present work is mainly with developmental projects concerning the everyday life of persons with intellectual disability, where the role and contribution of staff is seen as crucial for the life these persons are able/allowed to live. My current assignments are therefore mainly initiated by public service providers, or private organisations. |
Patricia Ericsson,