Experiences from the community based approach
to disability services

Kent Ericsson

A global disability reform is going on, stimulated by United Nations, as community participation for persons with a disability is strived for. This demands a development of new services which support persons to a life together with others in the communities where they belong. Hand in hand with new community based services, residential institutions are being dissolved.

When a residential institution for persons with an intellectual disability in Amman, Jordan, was faced with the choice of future, ongoing disability reform pointed to the desirability of a community based approach to new disability services. This started a series of projects to develop services for community participation of persons. As these gradually became a reality, the residential institution could be closed.

This book gives an insight into the development of community based services in Amman. Education for children with a severe disability was achieved, as were day services for adult men and women. A small group also got their homes in foster families. A team of experts were at hand to give assistance where this was needed. This was realised to a great extent as mosques, private organisations and public schools opened up to welcome persons.

Documentation and analysis of this process of change is given in this book. In a special part the community based approach to disability services, the key concept in the global disability reform, is looked into.

Dr. Kent Ericsson is psychologist and researcher at the Department of Education at Uppsala University in Sweden. He has extensive experiences from running projects of development within this global disability reform, in Sweden and internationally.

This book has been commissioned by IM/SOIR, Lund, Sweden

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