Ideas and realities concerning support to
persons with intellectual disability

Kent Ericsson


Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis - Uppsala Studies in Education 99
ISSN 0347-1314   |   ISBN 91-554-5261-2
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Brusén, P., Ericsson, K. and Thorsell, M., 1986. En uppföljning av personer som flyttar från institution under avveckling. (A follow-up study of persons who move from a residential institution being closed down.) In: K. Ericsson, et al. Vad händer när personer flyttar från vårdhem för utvecklingsstörda? Två uppföljningsundersökningar från avvecklingen av Carlslunds vårdhem. (What happens when persons move from a residential home for persons with an intellectual disability? Two follow-up studies from the closure of Carlslund residential home.) Report. Uppsala University, Department of Education, 8-14.

Brusén, P., Ericsson, K. and Thorsell, M., 1988. A follow-up study of persons leaving the institution. In: K. Ericsson, ed. Key issues in the process towards community participation. Symposium, IASSID Congress, Dublin. Uppsala University, Department of Education, 21-27.

Ericsson, K., 1985a. The origin and consequences of the normalization principle. Presentation, IASSID Congress, New Delhi. Uppsala University, Department of Education.

Ericsson, K., 1985b. The principle of normalization: History and experiences in Scandinavian countries. Presentation, ILSMH Conference, Hamburg. Uppsala University, Department of Education.

Ericsson, K., 1988. Key issues in the process towards community participation. Symposium, IASSID Congress, Dublin. Uppsala University, Department of Education.

Ericsson, K., 1991a. Dagliga verksamheter: Historik och utveckling. (Daily activities: History and development.) In: K. Ericsson and I. Nilsson, Dagliga verksamheter i kommunal regi för vuxna personer med begåvningshandikapp. (Daily activities provided by the municipality for adult persons with an intellectual disability.) Report. Uppsala University, Department of Education, 5-12.

Ericsson, K., 1991b. Dagliga omsorger för samhällsdeltagande. (Day services for community participation) In: K. Ericsson and I. Nilsson, Dagliga verksamheter i kommunal regi för vuxna personer med begåvningshandikapp. (Daily activities provided by the municipality for adult persons with an intellectual disability.) Report. Uppsala University, Department of Education, 116-161.

Ericsson, K., 1992a. Community participation: The life of persons after leaving the residential institution. Symposium, IASSID Congress, Brisbane. Uppsala University, Department of Education.

Ericsson, K., 1992b. When all residential institutions are closed. On community alternatives and the lives they offer persons with handicap. Symposium, IASSID Congress, Brisbane. Uppsala University, Department of Education.

Ericsson, K., 1993. Efter att ha flyttat från vårdhem. En uppföljning efter ett vårdhems avveckling. (After having moved from the residential home. A follow-up study after the closure of a residential home.) Report. Uppsala University, Department of Education.

Ericsson, K., 1995a. Ny vardag och nya livsvillkor. Efter avveckling av vårdhem för utvecklingsstörda. (New patterns and conditions of everyday life. After the closure of a residential home for persons with an intellectual disability.) Mariestad: Landstinget Skaraborg.

Ericsson, K., 1995b. Två omsorgsvärldar ur ett medborgarperspektiv: Inför en fortsatt utveckling av personers välfärd. (Two worlds of services seen from a citizen perspective: Prior to further development of welfare of persons.) In: 1995 års Sävstaholmssymposium. (The Sävstaholm symposium of 1995.) Stockholm: Sävstaholmsföreningen, 44-55.

Ericsson, K., 1995c. Daily activities with support: Establishment and development of community based services in a changing society. Memo. Uppsala University, Department of Education.

Ericsson, K., 1997. Framväxten av omsorger genom bostad och dagliga verksamheter och skiftet mellan traditioner. (The development of services in housing and daily activities and the shift between traditions) In: K. Sonnander et al. Forskare om utvecklingsstörning. Perspektiv, kunskaper, utmaningar. (Researchers on intellectual disability. Perspectives, knowledge, challenges.) Uppsala: Uppsala Universitets Förlag, 25-43.

Ericsson, K., 1998. From day services to participation in working life. In: K. Ericsson, ed. Towards participation in working life: Four national studies and a transnational comparison. Proceedings from final conference, Belfast. Report. Uppsala University, Department of Education.

Ericsson, K., 1999. The shift between two traditions of support: Swedish experiences. In: K. Ericsson, ed. Establishing CBR for persons with mental retardation. A task for the Sweileh Integration Project in Amman. Uppsala University, Department of Education, 69-79.

Ericsson, K., 2000. Deinstitutionalization and community living for persons with an intellectual disability in Sweden: Policy, organizational change and personal consequences. Presentation, Disability Conference, Tokyo. Uppsala University, Department of Education.

Ericsson, K., Bjernevall-Nygren, E., Thorsell, M. and Widman, E., 1981. Behov av alternativa omsorger efter utflyttning från Carlslund och Klockbacka. (The need for alternative services after having moved from Carlslund and Klockbacka.) In: Omsorgsnämnden, 1981. Plan för Carlslunds och Klockbackas avveckling. (Plan for the closure of Carlslund and Klockbacka). Report. Stockholm: Omsorgsnämnden, bilaga 1.

Ericsson, K., Brusén, P. and Thorsell, M., 1986. Vad händer när personer flyttar från vårdhem för utvecklingsstörda? Två uppföljningsundersökningar från avvecklingen av Carlslunds vårdhem. (What happens when persons move from a residential home for persons with an intellectual disability? Two follow-up studies from the closure of Carlslund residential home.) Report. Uppsala University, Department of Education.

Ericsson, K. and Dahlgren, C., 1995. Personal om sitt arbete på vårdhem och gruppbostad. (Staff views regarding their work at residential homes and in group-homes.) In: K. Ericsson, Ny vardag och nya livsvillkor. Efter avveckling av vårdhem för utvecklingsstörda. (New patterns and conditions of everyday life. After the closure of a residential home for persons with an intellectual disability.) Mariestad: Landstinget Skaraborg, 71-83.

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Ericsson, K. and Ericsson, P., 1998. Kommunalisering och personers samhällsdeltagande. (Services in the municipality and the community participation of persons.) In: L. Kebbon et al. Komut-projektet. Utvärdering av kommunaliseringen av omsorger om utvecklingsstörda. Slutrapport. (The Komut-Project: An evaluation of the transition to the municipality of services for persons with an intellectual disability. A final report.) Uppsala University, Centre for Disability Research, 48-70.

Ericsson, K. and Ericsson, P., 1999. När kommunen blivit huvudman: behov av fortsatt utveckling. (When the municipality gets the responsibility: The need for a continued development.) Presentation, SOR Conference, Bergen. Uppsala University, Department of Education.

Ericsson, P. and Ericsson, K., 1993. Konsekvenser av lag om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) i Malmö stad. Kartläggning av en vidgad personkrets. (Consequences of the Act of support and services for some disabled /LSS/ in the City of Malmö. A survey of an extended group of entitled persons.) Report. Uppsala: Skinfaxe Institute.

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Thorsell, M., Ericsson, K. and Brusén, P., 1986. Att bli synlig! (Becoming visible!) In: K. Ericsson et al. Vad händer när personer flyttar från vårdhem för utvecklingsstörda? Två uppföljningsundersökningar från avvecklingen av Carlslunds vårdhem. (What happens when persons move from a residential home for persons with an intellectual disability? Two follow-up studies from the closure of Carlslund residential home.) Report. Uppsala University, Department of Education, 15-41.

Thorsell, M., Ericsson, K. and Brusén, P., 1988. Becoming visible! In: K. Ericsson, ed. Key issues in the process towards community participation. Symposium, IASSID Congress, Dublin. Uppsala University, Department of Education, 28-39.

Tuvesson, B., 1992. The opinion of relatives to institutional closure. In: K. Ericsson, ed. When all residential institutions are closed. On community alternatives and the lives they offer persons with handicap. Symposium, IASSID Conference, Brisbane. Uppsala University, 28-34.

Tuvesson, B. and Ericsson, K., 1995. Nära varandra igen. (Close to each other again.) In: K. Ericsson, Ny vardag och nya livsvillkor. Efter avveckling av vårdhem för utvecklingsstörda. (New patterns and conditions of everyday life. After the closure of a residential home for persons with an intellectual disability.) Mariestad: Landstinget Skaraborg, 55-70.







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